Work Ethics Instruction and Grading

Columbus Technical College instructs and evaluates students on work ethics in all programs of study.  CTC implemented an Institutionally-Developed Work Ethics Procedure on October 31, 2019.  Ten work ethics traits are defined as essential for student success and are listed in the table below.  The definitions for these traits have been integrated into the program standards of each program curriculum thereby allowing each program to make work ethics a relevant and meaningful part of the program curriculum.  The traits are assessed within a designated entry-level course in each program.




Displays appropriate dress, grooming, and hygiene.


Attends class; arrives/leaves on time; notifies the instructor in advance of planned absences.


Demonstrates a positive outlook; demonstrates mannerly behavior; follows the chain of command.


Displays loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, initiative, self-discipline, and self-responsibility.


Displays appropriate nonverbal, verbal, and written skills.


Handles criticism, conflicts, and complaints appropriately; works well with others.

Organizational Skills

Prioritizes and manages time and resources effectively; demonstrates flexibility in handling change; follows directions and procedures for the work environment.


Completes tasks assigned efficiently, effectively, and timely; demonstrates problem solving capabilities.


Tolerates other points of view, acknowledges and appreciates rights of others; has regard for diversity.


Works collaboratively with others toward a common goal in a respectful and cooperative manner; participates appropriately as a team member.



  • The work ethics traits will not be formally addressed in General Education or other core courses.
  • The work ethics traits will be introduced in a designated entry and a designated capstone course in each program.  Students will be told how and when they will be assessed for their work ethics knowledge in each of these courses.  Modules of instruction and at least one graded activity will be included on Blackboard or in class for the designated courses.  Instructors of these courses can proceed with instruction of traits in a method that suits the design of the course/program.
  • Program instructors will continue to incorporate the traits informally throughout the program courses.
  • Students will not receive a separate work ethics grade for any course.
  • The official transcript of the college will include the following statement:  “An emphasis, instruction, and assessment on work ethics traits are included in every program of study.  These traits include appearance, attendance, attitude, character, communication, cooperation, organizational skills, productivity, respect, and teamwork.”
  • The following statement will appear in the Course Syllabus Info section of every course in the Blackboard LMS, “The Technical College System of Georgia instructs and evaluates students on work ethics in all programs of study.  Ten work ethics traits have been identified and defined as essential for student success:  appearance, attendance, attitude, character, communication, cooperation, organizational skills, productivity, respect, and teamwork.”