Semester Class Schedule

Detailed information concerning both course offerings and instructions for student registration is available at the College Website (, the Academic Advisement Center, academic program area, or by accessing BANNER Web (current students only). The College urges students to become knowledgeable of registration information and follow any and all instructions carefully.

Any deviation from the prescribed procedure may result in unnecessary delays in registration or errors in the resulting schedule. Advisors are available to students for academic advisement and scheduling of classes. Students are responsible for changes made to semester schedules after advisement has occurred, or for registration errors made when academic advisors are not consulted. Registration errors include, but are not limited to: incorrect course registrations, courses taken out of the program of study degree requirements, courses not eligible for financial aid, courses taken out of sequence, or courses taken without meeting prerequisites or corequisites.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that correct and appropriate courses are taken each semester. When in doubt, always consult an academic advisor for guidance. No exceptions will be made if degree requirements are not met at the time of submission of the graduation application.