Academic Integrity

Columbus Technical College expects all students, faculty, and staff to conduct themselves with honesty, character, and academic integrity. The Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as "a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility." Columbus Technical College promotes and expects all members of the College to conduct themselves with professional behavior and intellectual integrity.

Columbus Technical College considers academic integrity an integral part of learning. Any infraction of this academic integrity policy is detrimental to the students’ education and to the integrity of the College. The College strictly forbids the following:

  1. Plagiarizing any assignment--"Plagiarism" means using someone else’s ideas or words without using quotation marks and/or giving credit by citation of source(s).
  2. Copying/submitting another person’s work.
  3. Unauthorized taking of someone else’s work.
  4. Using unauthorized notes or equipment (including programmable calculators) during an examination.
  5. Stealing an examination or using a stolen examination.
  6. Allowing another student to have access to one’s work, thereby enabling that student to represent the work as his or her own.
  7. Having someone else take a test or exam in place of the enrolled student.
  8. Fabricating information such as data for a lab report.
  9. Falsifying a patient’s medical record or a student’s clinical record.
  10. Using another person’s file, data record, or computer program.