Special Populations Services

Special Populations Services is committed to providing educational support to meet the needs of all students. Our goal is to eliminate barriers and to promote self-sufficiency that will lead to SUCCESS. Professional staff members provide comprehensive student support to assist Special Population students as they work toward their educational, personal and career goals.

This population includes:

Single Parents (including single pregnant women),

 Individuals with Disabilities,

 English Language Learner

 Youth who is in, or has aged out of foster care system

 Homeless Individuals

Youth with a parent on active duty in the Armed Forces,

Out of Work-force individual

. Services include the following:

  1. Academic Support
  2. Career Guidance
  3. Transition Issues
  4. Life Skills Training
  5. Consultations and Referrals
  6.  Students who are preparing for Non-traditional Careers

To apply for services, students should contact Disability and Special Services at Columbus Technical College by calling 706-649-1442.