Clubs and Organizations

Columbus Technical College encourages student participation and involvement in various clubs and organizations related to the students’ areas of interest and to the College’s aims and objectives.

Because Columbus Technical College recognizes the social, political, and professional value of such organizations, the doors of opportunity are open for the development of more clubs and organizations on campus.

The following organizations are active on Columbus Technical College’s campus:

  • American Welding Society (AWS)
  • International Student Association (ISA)
  • Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX)
  • Lambda Nu ( LN)
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
  • National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)
  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
  • Skills USA
  • Student Leadership Council (SLC)
  • Student Veterans of America (SVA)

American Welding Society

The American Welding Society has had an active chapter at Columbus Technical College since 1971. The Welding and Joining Technology Department coordinates the activities in this organization. Its purpose is to provide reliable, updated information on the technology of welding as well as to promote community involvement, instill character, and develop well-rounded individuals. Membership in the American Welding Society is open to students in the Welding and Joining Technology program.

International Students Association

This organization is open to all registered students who identify themselves as multicultural and are classified as academic, professional, cultural, international, or religious. They will commit to the vision of the organization by establishing clear, relevant goals and expectations for all members and by establishing clear lines of communication among group members, Columbus Technical College, and the community. Members will also work to create a level of trust and to develop positive interdependence among group members.

Lambda Epsilon Chi (ΛΕΧ)

Lambda Epsilon Chi (ΛΕΧ) is a national academic honor society for paralegal students. Lambda Epsilon Chi recognizes students who have demonstrated superior academic performance in an established, qualified program of paralegal/legal assistant studies offered at an institution that is an Institutional member in good standing of the American Association for Paralegal Education. Members must be in good academic standing and have completed at least two-thirds of their paralegal coursework. Candidates also must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.5, including a minimum GPA of 3.75 in paralegal courses. Students must also demonstrate a commitment to the paralegal profession and exhibit ethical behavior.

Lambda Nu Honor Society

Lambda Nu is a national honor society for the radiologic and imaging sciences. Its purposes are to foster academic scholarship at the highest academic levels, to promote research and investigation in the radiologic and imaging sciences, and to recognize exemplary scholarship. Membership is open to all students who have been accepted into the Radiologic Technology or Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate Degree programs at Columbus Technical College and meet the following criteria:

  1. Have an overall grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
  2. Have completed two (2) semesters of study as a full-time student in their imaging program.

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)

The LSAMP program assists universities and colleges in their efforts to significantly increase the numbers of students matriculating into and successfully completing high-quality degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Particular emphasis is placed on transforming undergraduate STEM education through innovative, evidence-based recruitment and retention strategies, and relevant educational experiences in support of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in STEM disciplines: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native Pacific Islanders( includes Filipino).

The LSAMP Program priorities are to:

  • Increase individual student retention and progression to baccalaureate degrees for underrepresented racial and ethnic groups
  • Enable successful transfer of underrepresented students from 2-year to 4- year institutions in STEM programs
  • Increase access to high-quality undergraduate research experiences, and
  • Facilitate the seamless transition of underrepresented students into STEM graduate programs

National Technical Honor Society

The purposes of this organization are to promote service, leadership, honesty, and career development; to encourage and assist student education and career goal setting; to promote a stronger linkage between local technical institutions and business and industry; and to promote the image of technical education in America. Each semester students who meet the following criteria will be invited for membership:

  1. Overall grade point average of 3.5 or higher (no exceptions).
  2. Successful completion of 24 credit hours.

Future Business Leaders of America

The purpose of FBLA Collegiate is to provide opportunities for postsecondary students to develop business-related career competencies. FBLA is an integral part of the instructional program and promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility. One goal of FBLA is to strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work as well as assisting them in the establishment of occupational goals FBLA is open to students in the business studies of Management, Accounting, and Business Education.


SkillsUSA is a national organization serving more than 264,000 high school students, college students, and professional members. One purpose of SkillsUSA is to develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocational, civic, recreational, and social activities. SkillsUSA members develop into well-rounded people with technical, academic, and "employability" skills important to getting a job and having a successful career. Membership is open to students in all program areas.

The organization’s purposes include the following:

  1. Develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, civic, recreational, and social activities.
  2. Unite all students enrolled in trade and industrial, technical, and health occupations education in a common bond.
  3. Foster a deep respect for the dignity of work.
  4. Create enthusiasm for learning.
  5. Promote high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, scholarship, and safety.
  6. Promote cooperative activities among students, faculty, industry personnel, and business community.
  7. Develop patriotism through knowledge of the nation’s heritage and the practice of democracy.

Students are eligible to participate in various leadership-training sessions in the Professional Development Plan and in 72 different skills and leadership contests at the local, state, and national levels.

Student Leadership Council

The Student Leadership Council is composed of one representative and an alternate from each program area and a representative from each student organization. The members of the Student Leadership Council are involved in planning various activities for the student body.

The Student Leadership Council is an organization dedicated to the following:

  1. Coordinating student activities.
  2. Promoting good college and community citizenship.
  3. Improving college morale.
  4. Promote civility on campus.
  5. Providing a forum for student expression.
  6. Promoting the general welfare of the College.
  7. Providing clear channels of communication among the faculty, the administration, and the student body.
  8. Developing leadership skills.

Student Veterans of America (SVA)


Student Veterans of America is an organization providing military veterans with resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and future education. Columbus Technical College currently has over 70 active members in SVA.  All active duty, retired, reserve and dependents are eligible for membership.