Disability and Special Services

Disability and Special Services provides a holistic array of services for students. Each student at Columbus Technical College Is acknowledged as being a unique individual. The staff values the privacy of all students and does not release information without students’ written permission. The College observes an open-door policy; however, students can make appointments by contacting the Office of Disability and Special Services located in the Hartline Building. Columbus Technical College does not provide professional psychological/mental health counseling. The staff will refer students to community-service agencies as needed..

Disability and Special Services staff members provide the following services:

  1. American with Disability Act (ADA) Accommodations
  2. Identify Career Goals and Abilities
  3. Explore Programs and Requirements
  4. Career/Program Decisions
  5. Admissions Advisement
  6. Educational and Personal Life-skills Advising
  7. Grievance Process
  8. Classroom/campus Conflict Resolution
  9. Health and Wellness Resources