Student Insurance

Accident Insurance

All students enrolled at Columbus Technical College have school-time-only accident insurance. Students should report to the Human Resource Office in the Administration Building to file a claim if an accident occurs during school time. A copy of the insurance plan is on file in the Library and in the Human Resource Office. Students receive a copy of the plan whenever a claim form is requested. Students should read the policy carefully to understand any out-of-pocket expenses. Students are responsible for any personal medical costs incurred while enrolled at Columbus Technical College.

Liability Insurance for Students Enrolled in Selected Programs

Students enrolled in selected programs of study must purchase personal liability insurance. These programs currently include Cosmetology, Early Childhood Care and Education, and all Health Sciences/medical programs. The fee for this insurance is paid annually. Students must pay the liability insurance fee at the time of registration. Failure to pay the liability insurance fee will result in the students’ not being able to participate in the selected program. The fee is non-refundable. Students should see their advisor for further details concerning this requirement.