Student Fundamentals

Columbus Technical College Single Sign on Portal (SSO)

The student portal is designed to be a simpler way to manage you various usernames and password that you will need in order to complete your educational journey while at Columbus Technical College (CTC). This portal will be growing and will be a major source of important information in the near future, as well as a fun and exciting way to connect to your peers on campus.

To use the portal, you will need your CTC computer account login information (username and password) and that is all after your first complete successful portal login. A successful portal login means that you have logged into all the applications (Angel, Banner SSB, and Gmail) in the portal under the Launch Pad.

When you are on the portal page ( and ready to login, type your CTC computer account login information into the username field (first, middle and last initials and the last four numbers of your student ID) and put in your established password in the password field.

Example, the CTC student Joe Michael Snuffy with the student id of 910145789 would have a username of jms5789 and this would be used in the Login box of the portal.

This student would now use their established password in the Password box. IF this is the FIRST time he/she has logged into ANY CTC resource (portal or computer) their password will be their six (6) digit birthday in the format of MMDDYY. For Instance, Joe Michael Snuffy was born on December 14, 1977 and his initial password would be 121477 using the MMDDYY format.

You should now be in the portal ready to begin logging into your desired application used for your classwork.

Banner Web:

From the Launch Pad on the far left click the Angel Link and you will be redirected or taken to the Angel login page. Remember, this is for your initial login only that you will need to login. After the initial Angel login it will be automatically logged in for you.

You should now see the MyCampus Angel login page. Here you will need to enter you normal Angel login information. We will use Joe Michael Snuffy again for this example too. His normal Angel would be 28_910145789 as the username and he would use his established Angel password for the password field. If this is the first time Mr. Snuffy has ever logged into Angel, his initial password would be 28_910145789 (28_Your Student ID). Once the username and password is entered you MUST hit the SAVE button to proceed to your Angel account.

Once you have successfully entered your Angel ID and password you will be directed to your Angel account and you will not be asked for this login information again unless your password changes. From here you can navigate and use Angel as you normally would.

Banner Web:

Once you have successfully logged into the portal and you can see Figure 2 (above), if you click on the Banner SSB link on the left you will be directed to Banner Web. You will be directed to the page immediately after the "Enter Secure Login" point that you are accustomed to seeing.

From this page, you can click the Student Services & Financial Aid link to handle your Banner business such as look up and register for class, check you Financial Aid or anything else you normally would do outside the portal. You may also choose the Personal Information link to view and change certain parts of your personal information as you normally would do.

Student email or Gmail application:

Just as with the Angel component, on your first login to the portal, you will be required to enter your username and password. If you have used your CTC Gmail account before, you will need to use your normal established Gmail password. However, if this is your first time using the CTC Gmail you will need to use your eight (8) digit birthdate in the MMDDYYYY format. Let’s use our friend Joe Michael Snuffy again to demonstrate this last process.

Joe Michael Snuffy was born on December 14, 1977 and his initial password would be 12141977 and his username would be his CTC username of jms5789.

With the implementation of The Columbus Technical College Single Sign On portal your CTC Gmail account will on be available through this portal and important college related information will be sent to your Gmail account so please be sure to check it often.

If you have any trouble with any part of the portal please feel free to contact the CARE Center at 706-649-7512. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during the implementation of this new service as it will continue to grow and serve you better. You can also use the Feedback option and give us your suggestion of how we can improve this portal to better serve you and your needs while at Columbus Technical College.

Please remember to close each of your applications as you finish with them. This is your personal information and it is your responsibility to protect this information just as you would any other personal information! There are two (2) logout or sign-out options and they are there for your protection. One is located at the top right and it is next to the help (?) icon. This option will log you out of an application and the blue Sign-out on the left will log you out of the portal.

We have included a 45 minute timeout in each of the application for your convenience and safety but again it is YOUR responsibility to protect YOUR information.