Special Populations Services

Special Populations Services is committed to providing educational support to meet the needs of all students. Our goal is to eliminate barriers and  to promote self-sufficiency that will lead to SUCCESS. Professional staff members provide comprehensive student support to assist Special-Population students as they work toward their educational, personal and career goals.

This population includes:

Single Parents (including single pregnant women),

 Individuals with Disabilities,

 English Language Learner

 Youth who is in, or has aged out of foster care system, Homeless Individuals

Youth with a parent  on active duty in the Armed Forces,

Out of Work-force individual

. Services include the following:

  1. Academic Support
  2. Career Guidance
  3. Transition Issues
  4. Life Skills Training
  5. Consultations and Referrals
  6.  Students who are preparing for Non-traditional Careers

To apply for services, students should contact Disability and Special Services at Columbus Technical College by calling 706-649-1442.