Academic Advisement Center

The Academic Advisement Center (AAC) strives to assist a diverse population of students with the enhancement of their academic, career, and personal development. Academic advising is a critical component of the educational experience. Through academic advising, the AAC empowers (guides) students to develop and implement sound educational plans that are consistent with their personal values, goals and career plans. The goal is to inspire students to engage fully in their education, develop a global awareness, and embrace their future. Academic Advisement Center staff provides the following services:

  • Academic advising for new, and learning Support/ Provisional Students
  • Assist students with understanding degree requirements
  • Assist students with understanding general educational courses
  • Check graduation status for degree, diploma and certificate options (Degree Works)
  • Find course descriptions and prerequisite courses
  • Teach students to use the class search process to build schedules (Banner Web)
  • Determine if an online course is right for you
  • Assist students in defining, evaluating and pursuing the skills, interests and abilities needed to achieve their goals
  • Provide support, resources, and guidance that assist students with successfully completing their academic programs
  • Work in conjunction with various departments on campus to identify and provide support services to students (CARE Center, Learning Support Labs, Disability and Special Services, Veterans Affairs and others)