President’s Message
Welcome to Columbus Technical College!
Columbus Tech’s mission is to provide the workforce needed by the businesses in this area of the state, and our goal is to do that by paying attention to their employee needs and by supporting you – CTC students – in successfully meeting your education and career goals.
If you are looking for education and training to prepare for a job of the future, one that will enable you to be economically independent and support your family, Columbus Technical College is the place for you. Middle-skill jobs, which require education beyond high school but not a four-year degree, make up more than half of Georgia’s current labor market, and key industries in Georgia are unable to find enough trained workers to fill these jobs. Columbus Tech trains students to build careers starting in these much needed middle-skill jobs. And, last year 100% of Columbus Tech graduates found jobs and went right to work!
The HOPE Career Grant allows a student, who qualifies and is enrolled in a high-demand career field, to go to college tuition-free. The Grant covers seventeen broad career fields. Some of the most popular HOPE Career Grant eligible programs at Columbus Tech are in the health sciences, nursing, industrial systems, precision manufacturing, automotive, construction, welding, early childhood care/education, computer technology, and computer programming fields.
Columbus Tech is also a great way to get a head start by earning credits in transferrable general education courses or completing an associate degree in general studies, if your goal is to complete a four-year degree. Completing such courses and earning core credits will help put you on a faster track to enrolling in the specialized courses required for a four-year degree in the field you want.
There is no better place than Columbus Technical College to learn and develop skills that will start you on the way to a successful career. Here classes are small and instructors are personally committed to your success. Whether you are dually enrolling as a high school or adult education student, coming to CTC right after your high school graduation, or returning to upskill and gain new learning after being away from school for a while, Columbus Tech is where you start to build your future.
Columbus Technical College welcomes you as a part of its mission to build the Chattahoochee Valley workforce through student success!

Martha Ann Todd