2017-18 Catalog and Student Handbook
2017-18 Catalog and Student Handbook / Division of Health Sciences and Nursing / Health Care Technical Certificates of Credit
Division of Health Sciences and Nursing
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (EMH1)
Certified Personal Trainer, Technical Certificate of Credit CP31
Computed Tomography Specialist CT91
Emergency Medical Responder (EB71)
Emergency Medical Technician (EMJ1)
Mammography MA11
Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician, Certificate CSB1
Health Care Assistant, Technical Certificate of Credit HA21
Healthcare Science, Technical Certificate of Credit HS21
Medical Coding Specialist Certificate MC41
Medical Front Office Assistant, Technical Certificate of Credit MF21
Nurse Aide, Technical Certificate of Credit CN21
Phlebotomy Technician, Technical Certificate of Credit PT21
Residential Care Attendant, Technical Certificate of Credit RC21