Attendance Policy

Columbus Technical College requires regular and punctual class attendance. Students are preparing themselves for direct entry into the workforce and employers state that dependability and punctuality are the main qualities sought in potential employees. Absences prevent students from receiving full course benefits, disrupt orderly course progress and diminish the quality of group interaction in class. The college considers both tardiness and early departure from class as forms of absenteeism. Students absent from class for any reason are responsible for all missed work and assignments. Students should enroll only in those classes that they can attend on a regular basis. Instructors have both the right and responsibility to develop reasonable attendance policies appropriate to the type, level, delivery method and frequency of class meetings for their course; to communicate the policies to students clearly via the course syllabus or addendum; and to apply the policies fairly and consistently to all enrolled students. The only excusable absences within the Division of Health Science and Nursing are jury duty and military duty. Instructors are solely responsible for determining whether work missed due to absence or tardiness may be made up and any allowed make up work will be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor. Policies for make-up work will be detailed in the course syllabus or addendum.

An absence is defined as missing more than 15 minutes during any hour of class. Any student who is absent from class for up to 15 minutes during any hour of class time will be counted as tardy. Any student who has been tardy three times will be charged with a one-hour absence.

Any student who has been dropped from a class for excessive absences may appeal in writing within four (4) business days to the Dean of the Division responsible for the course from which the student has been dropped. The Dean will respond to the student in writing within four (4) business days from the date of the student’s appeal. Should this response not satisfy the appeal, the student will appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs within four (4) business days from the date of the Dean’s response. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will respond to the appeal within four (4) business days from the date of the student’s appeal. The decision reached by the Vice President of Academic Affairs is final.