Administrative Staff

Beauford, Deana, B.S. Director of Economic Development
Burgan, Will Dean, Learning Support
Burkhardt, Margaret M.Ed. Director, C.A.R.E. and Academic Advisement Centers
Harris, Felicia, M.S. Manager, Academic Advisement Center
Henshaw, Deborah M., M.A. Assistant Vice President, Financial Aid Services
Hensley, Kermelle D. Ed. S Assistant Vice President, Enrollment Services/Registrar
Hood, Patricia A., M.S. Executive Director of Human Resources
Jackson, Nicole, M.S.
Dean, Division of Business and Health Science and Nursing
McNair, Jim Dean, Division of Professional and Technical Studies
Middleton, Stephanie, M.L.I.S. Dean, Library/Media Services
McKenzie, Virginia, B.B.A. Assistant Vice President, Administrative Services
Wimberly, Jamall, B.S.W. Career Coordinator, C.A.R.E. Center
Vidal-Kendall, Olive, M.S. Director, Disability and Special Services